Labor and Employment

The firm maintains a substantial practice in labor and employment law, representing employers in both the public and private sector. In addition to union negotiations and administration of collective bargaining agreements, the firm handles representation and unfair labor practice cases before the National Labor Relations Board, the Illinois Labor Relations Board, and the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board.

The firm also handles a wide variety of employment litigation arising from the United States Constitution or statutes, such as the Americans With Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination In Employment Act, Title VII and IX, ERISA, COBRA, the Fair Labor Standards Act and their Illinois counterparts, including the Illinois Human Rights Act, as well as suits arising from non-statutory law.

The firm consults with clients on a daily basis concerning compliance with myriad employment relation regulations. We routinely conduct audits of current practices and assist with the development of policies to insure employer compliance with legal regulation of the employment relationship, retention of human resources and positive employee morale.

While the firm has handled a variety of complex employment matters, our work is often unseen by anyone except our clients as we strive to prevent litigation in the employment context.

Labor and Employment news and articles

Employers must tackle new Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act

Recent Amendments Clarify Employer Right to Discipline for Off-Duty Use and Possession of Cannabis By: Joshua D. Herman…

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Equal Pay Act prohibits salary history inquiries

Employers Can No Longer Ask About or Look into Salary History By: Joshua D. Herman Effective September…

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Residency Requirements for Municipal Employees

By:  Robert B. McCoy In most cases, a municipality can chose whether to mandate that its employees…

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