MHT Regularly Assists with Low Income Housing Tax Credit Projects

Miller, Hall & Triggs, LLC, provides experienced counsel to a number of housing authorities and not-for-profit corporations seeking to develop or redevelop affordable housing through the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program (“RAD”) of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and/or low income housing tax credits throughout Illinois and Arkansas. We regularly work with…

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Requirements of Condominium Conversion Projects

Illinois Conversion Condominium Projects – Notice of Intent to Convert and Disclosure Requirements By Michael A. Keeton   The Illinois Condominium Property Act (the “Act”) (765 ILCS 605/1 et seq.) contains provisions allowing for the conversion of residential apartments or other income producing property from sole ownership to individually owned condominium units.  However, in…

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MHT Assists City Redevelop a Vibrant New Downtown

Led by Dennis R. Triggs, a team of attorneys that included Michael J. Tibbs, Scott A. Brunton, Mark D. Walton, Christopher D. Oswald, and Joshua D. Herman of Miller, Hall & Triggs, LLC, Peoria Illinois, represented the City of East Peoria and assisted the City with redeveloping an 86-acre brownfield and former manufacturing site into…

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