FOIA Changes in Regards to “Recurrent Requesters”

Change in legislation allows governmental bodies more time to respond By Richard M. Joseph On August 26, 2011, Governor Quinn signed into law an amendment to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (the “Act”) designed to provide additional time for public bodies to respond to requests of “recurrent requesters”. The new law is being…

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Drafting a Social Networking Policy

Issues for districts considering whether and how to regulate employees’ electronic communications By Joshua D. Herman Social networking platforms and personal technology devices provide unique opportunities to educate and interact in the modern age. Unchecked, the same technology can also lend itself to unprofessional behavior by employees and the publication or exposure of records…

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New Law Allows Teachers to Utilize Up to Two Years of Accumulated Sick Leave Toward Creditable Service in TRS

Law Allows Teachers to Utilize Up to Two Years of Accumulated Sick Leave Toward Creditable Service in TRS By Jay E. Greening The Governor recently signed into law Public Act 92-0867, which increases the amount of unused and uncompensated sick leave TRS members can utilize for service credit at retirement. Read more – Teacher…

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